
The book lists for the 2024-2025 semester 2 / block 3&4 are online!

New book partner

From the academic year 2024-2025, we will work with book partner WO4YOU. You can easily order all your learning materials via their user-friendly platform. They ensure that your books are always delivered on time and that you benefit from high discounts. If you have any questions about your order, contact WO4YOU customer service.

Why order study books from Flow with a member discount?

You are assured of the right books for the upcoming semester with us. For international books, you receive a 20% discount, while on Dutch books you benefit from the maximum allowed discount of 10% during the ordering periods. Outside these periods, you still receive a 5% discount. This way, you save a lot on your study books and get everything quickly and easily. Don't miss these benefits and order your books cheaply via our platform!

How does it work?

You can order all books via the website Select 'Tilburg University', select 'SV Flow', choose your study, and finally choose your year/book list. Then, if you are a member of Flow, select "Yes, I want the discount and I declare to be truthfully enrolled in this study association." Then you can select all the books you need in the coming block!

Are you not yet a member and would you like to benefit from these discounts? On this page, you can now become a member of Flow. You will also get access to free summaries!