Career Committee

Are you looking to expand your professional network? Then stop looking any further, because the Career Committee is the perfect fit! The Career Committee organizes the professional activities that Flow offers. A few examples are company visits, workshop days, or hackathons. This means that you get in touch with a large variety of partners of Flow and, thus, it is the perfect opportunity for you to expand your professional network!

In addition to this, the Career Committee also supports the External Affairs with the acquisition. This means you would be contacting companies with the aim of finding new partners for Flow. Partnerships vary from organizing an activitiy to offering a discount for students through the Flow Member Card. No prior experience is needed for you to join this committee, as you will learn how to engage in professional correspondence. The Career Committee is the perfect place for anyone to grow on a professional level!

If you have any questions, ideas, comments, or tips for the Career Committee in general or for the acquisition, please send an email to